When the loneliness just won't go away


Haven't seen your family for almost a year? Missing hugs from friends and family? Trying to be brave and strong, but feeling alone and scared on the inside? ...


I am so happy right now. I just got the most incredible email from someone who watched (and benefitted from) the tapping video on anxiety. Here's what she said:

"Boy oh Boy, talk about divine intervention. I got up with extreme back pain.
I NEVER check my email in the morning and sometimes for days.
Did the video & the decrease in my pain & attitude was remarkable.
I have stayed in the best mood all day in spite of covid.
I feel as though a dark cloud has lifted. God Bless you."

Emails like this make my whole week. My whole month. Tapping did so much for me personally, and it is such an honor for me to be able to help other people with it as well. Especially during COVID.

So, you might be thinking:

"Tapping's not for me"

"Why am I getting another email about tapping from Jill? Isn't she a meditation teacher? And she also does all this stuff about social justice. I'm confused!"

"Nothing can help me feel better right now."

That's ok. You won't be the first to feel this way.

Today's video is on loneliness. If you have a few minutes (the video is about 16 minutes, to be exact), I encourage you to try something new today. It might *literally* make your day.

Maybe today you're feeling some loneliness.

You're missing hugs from your loved ones.

You haven't seen your family for almost a year.

You're exhausted from trying to keep it together on the outside to be strong for your family, but that just makes you feel like you're more alone.

Maybe your romantic or other relationships are suffering.

Take this time for YOU today.

Spending 16 minutes to feel like 'a dark cloud has lifted' feels like a pretty good tradeoff!!

Check it out HERE.

What questions do you still have about tapping? Did you find this video helpful? Did you have any 'aha' moments or insights? Any surprises? What topics would you like to see me tap on in future videos? Please leave a comment to share your thoughts with me!

If you are interested in learning even more about tapping, please feel free to check out my tapping offerings on my website.


Feeling afraid? Try this easy tool.


Try this for relief from your anxiety