Why we’ve gotta do the work ourselves first

Did you know that I used EFT/Tapping myself, as a client, for over a year before I became a practitioner?
One of the best parts about tapping is being able to benefit from it yourself. I was able to learn from my own tapping coach, I was better regulated with my own issues before I began to help others, and I could speak from experience when tapping with my own clients. Before we teach something, especially something as amazing as EFT/Tapping, it's extra important that we experience it ourselves.

That's why I've included two 1:1 tapping sessions with me in the price of my upcoming EFT/Tapping 'Train the Trainer'.
Learn more at www.jillwener.com/tappingtraining.


How do YOU want to feel?


The thing that I'm still really scared to talk about