You're Almost There- Don't Stop Now!

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about my course: Conscious Anti-Racism: Tools for Self-Discovery, Accountability, and Meaningful Change.

If you’re still feeling unsure about the course, or its potential role in your life, I understand. Like I mentioned in my last post, I felt the same way before I attended that anti-racism retreat.

Here are some answers to the most common questions I hear about this course:

Q-What is Anti-racism?

A- Anti-Racism is a way to describe policies or ideas that oppose racism. People of all races can be anti-racists. We'll go into a lot more detail about anti-racism in the course.

Q- But I’m not racist! Why do I need this course?

A- Some people define a racist as someone who believes that one race is superior to another. 

But when you consider a more accurate and inclusive definition: someone who supports racist policy through their actions, inaction or ideas, we can see that "racist" can apply to many of us. How many times have we assumed racist beliefs based on where a person lives or their political party?

Besides understanding what an anti-racist is, this course helps us to understand terms like privilege, unconscious bias, and how good people can unintentionally perpetuate racist systems in this country. But we don’t stop there. We give you the tools to be accountable and make transformative change. In the process, you’ll learn to recognize your own limits, embrace where you are now, and make an authentic change,  so you can contribute to the movement for social justice in a meaningful way.

Q-Do I need experience with anti-racism work to enroll in the course?

A- Absolutely not! Everyone is welcome. We'll spend the first module going over core principles and definitions of anti-racism and how it affects people of color in our society. The rest of the course focuses on tools and techniques to help you show up in the world as an anti-racist in the most impactful way possible. I can't wait to share this information and these techniques with you!

Q- Is this course only for white people?

A- We welcome people of all races to take this course. 

We designed this course to help white allies be better informed and better prepared to challenge their own privilege, racism, and implicit bias. In the United States, privilege can arise just from being part of the white majority. This privilege overrides class, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or gender. Being aware of this helps us understand why systemic racism continues.  However, this course is not only for white people. The techniques covered in the course can help everyone to process the difficult emotions and experiences related to racism.

I taught this course from the lens of a  white woman, with the knowledge and perspective of someone who is still on a personal journey to be an ally in dismantling racism.

There’s lots more answers to your questions on the course page, which you can access here.

You have a choice to make: do what you’ve been doing, or worse, do nothing at all.

You can finally learn how to confidently speak up against racism, confront biases and privilege, and contribute to the movement for social justice in a way that serves the people that need it most! And you can do so in a safe, productive environment, where you are given the space to do the necessary work to look within and make real change.

I hope you’ll join me and my incredible colleagues in Conscious Anti-Racism: Tools for Self-Discovery, Accountability, and Meaningful Change! If you feel inspired to do so, please share this course with your networks so that we can make change together.


I’m a meditation teacher, and I’m addicted to my phone


The Scariest Thing I Almost Didn't Do