An individual follows an EFT/Tapping course online, tapping on the underside of their hand.

Online Tapping Courses

One of the things you’ll love best about tapping is that it’s SO easy to do. It doesn’t require years of training or practice to learn the basics (and beyond) of a successful tapping sequence. Jill’s online tapping courses are geared towards making you a self-sufficient tapper, even if you’ve had little or no experience with tapping.

“I use it on myself at stop lights on way to work. Naming emotions, calming myself down. I recommend this training for fellow surgeons- we all need strategies that we could learn to do in private to help calm down our own nervous systems.”

-Jocelyn C, Urogynecologist

Tap In: How to Create Your Own Foolproof Tapping Sequence

Ready to heal from trauma, have healthier relationships, release your self-limiting beliefs, and manifest the life you've always wanted? In this introductory course, tapping expert Jill Wener, MD will teach you to empower yourself with the life-changing technique of tapping.

Tapped Out: A Doctor’s Guide to Preventing and Managing Burnout Through Tapping

Suffering from burnout? Learn how to prevent and manage your symptoms of burnout and moral injury with the powerful technique of tapping. Join Jill Wener, MD- tapping practitioner and certified Conscious Health Meditation Instructor, in this online course geared specifically for doctors and healthcare professionals.

The Wellness Tap: Your Resource For In-The-Moment Stress Relief

This monthly tapping membership is designed to bring balance, peace, pause, and relief to your life. This membership is jam-packed with incredible, easy-to-fit-into-your-busy-schedule tapping resources to help you manage stress, learn about yourself, and make huge life changes from the inside out.

Harnessing Your Power:
A Mindful Midlife Toolkit

Join Jill and menopause expert Dr. Taniqua Miller for the knowledge and mindful tools to empower yourself during your midlife journey. Learn tools to thrive through perimenopause-related symptoms such as mood changes, difficulty sleeping, and more!