Irritable AF? You aren't alone. This can help.


Are you over it? Sick of all the things going on right now? Feeling like you're walking on eggshells with yourself? Grouchy? Snapping more than you usually ...


I've heard from SO many of you that you're at the end of your limit, and then some. Your usual self-care routine just isn't cutting it, and you are far far away from being your best self.

How about you? Can you relate?
Are you over it?
Sick of all the things going on right now?
Feeling like you're walking on eggshells with yourself?
Snapping more than you usually do?
Irritable AF?

You aren't alone. Let's tap.

What questions do you still have about tapping? Did you find this video helpful? Did you have any 'aha' moments or insights? Any surprises? What topics would you like to see me tap on in future videos? Please leave a comment to share your thoughts with me!

If you are interested in learning even more about tapping, please feel free to check out my tapping offerings here on my website. They can ALL be done via zoom!


When there are no words, try this...


Feeling afraid? Try this easy tool.